Posted on 3/12/2024
Evan is a fourth-year robotics student with 3805. Starting in 2019, they were invited to join a year early by the teacher at the time, who noticed their curiosity and fascination with engineering. Evan started out as a member of the build team and has continued since, even acting as the build mentor in 9880. He remains part of the build team and helps the Business and Outreach team with graphic design and fundraiser campaigns.
Their biggest achievements from their career have been participating in State FTC Competitions twice, and their most favorable part of robotics is the community and friendships during their time.
Some fun info about Evan is:
- Their favorite color is a deep purple, such as Rebecca Purple.
- They dont have an easy choice for a favorite food, but he really enjoys' Chicken Mahkani.
- If they could have any pet, they would choose a snake.
- If a zombie apocalypse were to occur, Evan thinks he would definitely survive.
- If a movie about their life were made, Evan would want Keanu Reeves cast as him.
- Evan is hoping to learn the guitar.